I am truly a "new writer". I have literally completed two short stories. One printed here for Yesterday's #fridayflash. The other written a couple weeks ago. That's 2000+/- words arranged in order essentially executing a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; a "story" according to Dictionary.com
Each of my stories has a plot, a setting and characters. I included a problem and a resolution. I used terms like protagonist and mono-spaced font when talking about my stories. I even used, to the best of my ability, proper grammar and correct spelling.
So, why now, why did I decide to commit to not only writing but finishing stories? I have pages and pages of notes and partially worked on manuscripts. Hours of tapes and digital recordings of plot and character developmental ideas that sit and collect dust. Nothing is finished though. I have opening scenes, closing scenes and scenes in the thick of it (close to 100,000 words) but until last week I had yet to pull together a complete narrative.
For years I thought my largest hurdle was my lack of time to commit to sitting down and completing a Manuscript or even a short story. I have always worked long hours and had many hobbies. A wife and kids just took up all my time. Recently though I have reflected on the pages and pages of partials sitting on one hard drive or the other and came to a realization. I didn't really want to finish them.
I am, as my blog says, a story teller. I have had incredible experiences and love to regale friends, family and strangers with them. But the story never ends. I see my adult life as an epic tale where I just keep adding chapters. When I start I struggle to conclude these marathon sessions. This is my true hindrance.
So now after years of unfinished business I have finished two short stories in as many weeks. I have finished writing 2 chapters of a novella/novel and I continue to write and edit with more enthusiasm than I have since typing my first stories as a kid.
The biggest change in my attitude was watching tweets from my friend Kristy Garcia Blea on Twitter. Her eagerness to write is a true inspiration. I sat down at the computer and started sifting through old hard drives and disks, compiling years of notes and scenes. I finally put it all aside to start anew once again.
It was tough looking at a blank screen knowing what I had just sorted. They had all been blank screens and all just filed away. This time, though, I had a middle and an end to a story I had wanted to tell for a long time.
I am reading a ton of blogs and short stories from people I follow on Twitter. I am learning a lot and I continue to be encouraged by the greater enthusiasm of those I follow. In that encouragement I am driven to tell the whole story, from beginning to end. It's the best way to tell a story.
I might even try to submit something for publication.
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