Not My First Post.

I wonder how many people name their first post to their blog, "My First Post" or some variation. Mine is actually the truth. This is not the first time I have written to a blog. I have deleted all my other posts to start anew. Nobody read those anyway. Not that this is going to strain the data servers of blogger but those whom I am currently connected with on Twitter and Facebook tend to read more.

I do not have a plan for this blog really. I wanted to set this up for a place to put my #Flashfriday work and other ramblings I might have: some funny, some serious, some fiction and some non-fiction.

When I was a kid I listened to my Grandfather's stories. They were humorous anecdotes about anything and everything. I could list a multitude of adventures but I don't recall a single one. Well, his best joke was...OK so I can't tell any of them either but that is not the point.

The point is that we would sit around all day and listen to him. As I grew I had my own experiences and I wanted to do for others what he did for me. He kept me smiling. I became the modern age Homeric poet. My stories have always been oral and i told them to everybody. But My audience was limited.

Enter the written history of me. I hope that my writing will reach a larger audience and I can put a smile on others' faces. Getting published is not top on my agenda but not out of site either.

I will post fiction and non-fiction here, it will be up to the reader to decide what is true and what is made up. I will also try to post more ramblings on anything that pops into my head.

I hope it will put a smile on your face.